My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

The next day, Shi Li shared a ride home with her mahjong companions from the previous day, and it was only then that the others learned about the mix-up that had occurred the night before.0

While Shi Li simply believed it was a coincidence, everyone else was convinced that Xi Jingshu had something to do with it.0

They were certain she was pulling strings behind the scenes.0

It wasn't hard to guess Xi Jingshu's motives - she was likely grateful to Shi Li for exposing Jin Cai's true nature, and knowing Shi Li's apparent feelings for Feng Yunhe, she had orchestrated everything in secret, hoping to win Shi Li's favor.0

"How sneaky!"0

"She's so calculating!"0

"She's showing off!"0

They thought angrily.0

But then they felt secretly relieved that Shi Li was cautious enough to assume an intruder when she saw someone in the bed.0

That had prevented Xi Jingshu's scheming from succeeding.0

#His Majesty's Wisdom#0

Thinking about this made them feel a bit better.0

Though they felt backstabbed by Xi Jingshu, they found some schadenfreude in watching Fu Huixing walking quickly ahead of them, reduced to just a silhouette.0

They may have been betrayed, but not as deeply as Fu Huixing had been.0

People tend to find superiority in comparing themselves to those worse off.0

"How could something like this happen? The hotel was so careless."0

"At least it was Feng Yunhe in the bed, otherwise it could have been dangerous."0

While they spoke of danger, what they really meant was how fortunate it was that Shi Li had been alert, or else Feng Yunhe might have been in danger.0

In everyone's fixed perception, Shi Li was a normal teenage girl who behaved typically except when it came to Feng Yunhe - then she would act irrationally and do many unreasonable things.0

"You two must really be destined for each other - entering the wrong room and it just happened to be Feng Yunhe's."0

Shi Li appeared bashful on the surface, but internally she was full of disdain, [Destiny my foot, more like bad karma]0

[Good thing I was clever enough not to pull back the covers. If I had discovered it was Feng Yunhe, I would have had to put on an act all night]0

The ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍others: ? Wasn't she supposed to be deeply in love? Why would she need to act?0

From Shi Li's daily behavior, she appeared to like Feng Yunhe.0

But inner thoughts better reflect one's true feelings.0

In other words, while Shi Li acted like she was very fond of Feng Yunhe, the reality was different.0

From her perspective, it was all an act.0

They had just been thinking how underhanded Xi Jingshu was for doing such things secretly without telling everyone.0

They believed these things should be done together - planning together, taking risks together, and sharing the rewards together.0

Since Xi Jingshu had foolishly acted alone, they felt certain things needed to be done.0

They needed someone great to be a pioneer!0

Thanks to Xi Jingshu being this great pioneer, everyone now knew that Shi Li wasn't as fond of Feng Yunhe as she appeared - it was all an act.0

Fu Huixing had been maintaining a stern expression, his mouth as straight as a steel plate.0

But from the moment he heard the word "act," his icy demeanor began to thaw, and it took all his effort not to break into a foolish grin.0

Fu Huixing didn't have much self-control. While he tried his best not to grin stupidly, he couldn't control his actions.0

Even though they needed to turn, everyone watched as Fu Huixing continued walking straight ahead, getting further and further away.0

Shi Li looked at the two people beside her: "Where is he going?"0

The others replied: "Leave him be, he's too happy and needs to calm down."0

Shi Li: ??0

Being the considerate person she was, Shi Li called out to Fu Huixing before he got too far, "Star Star, wrong way! Over here!"0

Gao Yun clearly saw Fu Huixing pause for a moment before casually turning around.0

Faced with the teasing from the two girls beside Shi Li, Fu Huixing maintained his composure, pretending he hadn't heard anything and hadn't lost his cool over this incident.0

Today was just like any other ordinary day.0

"The car is waiting for us in the parking lot, didn't we just say that?"0

Fu Huixing apologized, "Sorry, I didn't hear earlier."0

"It's fine, let's hurry back. I want to catch up on sleep, I didn't sleep well last night."0

Having finished the mahjong game after 2 AM, then dealing with the wrong key card and room change situation, Shi Li hadn't actually gotten to bed until after 3 AM. For someone who wasn't used to staying up late, this was quite an ordeal.0

Combined with her concerns about hotel safety and this chaotic timeline that differed from her previous life, Shi Li hadn't slept well at all. Though she was standing now, her mind wasn't very clear, and all she wanted was to get back to her bed at home and sleep.0

The incident of finding someone in the hotel room appeared to end with Shi Li simply changing rooms that night, and no one mentioned it again afterward.0

But just because no one talked about it didn't mean the matter was over.0

Instead, it was being widely discussed in corners unknown to Shi Li.0

The first thing people condemned was Xi Jingshu's behavior of secretly trying to curry favor with Shi Li behind everyone's back. Some people, prompted by Xi Jingshu's actions, realized that since Shi Li liked Feng Yunhe, they could try to please their "king" too.0

But since Xi Jingshu had already tried and failed at the most direct approach, they needed to find other angles.0

The question was how to make King Shi Li happy.0

Unlike students from other classes, Class 1 had inside information - they knew Shi Li's supposed feelings for Feng Yunhe were all an act.0

Since the path of offering Feng Yunhe to their king wouldn't work, they could consider offering other handsome men.0

During that summer break between sophomore and junior year, at the crucial period of entering their final year, most students in Class 1 began searching for age-appropriate and good-looking young men in their circles.0

For a while, Shi Li received numerous "harassment messages." When she first saw the content, she thought her personal information had been leaked and she was getting spam from dating websites.0

But looking at the senders, they weren't unknown numbers - they were from people she knew.0

Shi Li thought: Isn't this supposed to be about college entrance exams? What's going on? Did they add matchmaking as a new subject to the exam?0

As someone who supposedly had feelings for someone else, she should have been uninterested in any other men.0

She politely declined using her feelings for Feng Yunhe as an excuse, and sent this message to all the "matchmakers."0

To figure out what her classmates were up to, Shi Li went back to school for classes.0

She hadn't expected to find her deskmate Fu Huixing at school, since he had earned a guaranteed college admission through his good performance in last semester's competition, and could now stay home like her.0

While others were furiously solving problems, he quietly read his book.0

Watching Fu Huixing read quietly, Shi Li mused internally, [Looking at him now, who would remember how he used to sleep in class at the start of the semester, without even having books in his desk]0

Being referenced by Shi Li made Fu Huixing's ears burn, as if a fire was rising from his back.0

To avoid disturbing other classmates during self-study, instead of using her phone to chat with Fu Huixing, Shi Li opted for the simple method of passing notes.0n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

The heat hadn't yet faded from Fu Huixing's ears as he stared at the book on his desk, unconsciously pinching his still-warm earlobe when suddenly a piece of paper appeared before him. Among the black pen calculations, a line in red ink stood out particularly clearly.0

--You don't need to come to school anymore, why are you still here?0

In Shi Li's view, if he wanted to read, he could do so at home - there was no need to come to school. It would actually be quieter at home, as there were teachers giving lectures during non-self-study periods, which was quite noisy.0

Fu Huixing didn't mention that he came to school because he might run into Shi Li when she occasionally came to attend classes.0

And today, he had indeed met her.0

He wrote a line in blue ink below the red text.0

--The atmosphere at school is good. Why did you suddenly come back to school?0

The school atmosphere being good - that could count as a reason, right?0

Shi Li didn't dwell on this point, focusing instead on answering the second half of Fu Huixing's question.0

--Don't even ask, our classmates have been acting so weird lately, sending me all these dating-related messages, introducing boys to me. I came to class to see what's gotten into everyone0

When the paper reappeared before him, Fu Huixing's face showed a silent smirk - as if he knew exactly why.0

He calmly wrote three characters on the paper.0

--They're bored0

As the morning study period bell rang, Fu Huixing quietly asked her, "Can I see what kind of matchmaking messages they sent?"0

"There's nothing wrong with looking at this," Shi Li pulled out the message page and showed Fu Huixing two or three similar blind date text messages.0

He spoke calmly and nonchalantly, "They're all just too idle these days. With less than a year left, how can anyone improve their grades and get into a good university if they're thinking about these unnecessary things all day?"0

Shi Li nodded, agreeing that Fu Huixing had a point. This was something she couldn't understand either.0

Fu Huixing continued, "After all, we're classmates. We can't just watch them give up on themselves like this."0

"Since we don't have anything else to do, we can create personalized study plans based on each student's specific situation. We'll teach according to their individual abilities and try to make sure not a single minute is wasted."0

This was an excellent suggestion that Shi Li hadn't thought of before. "I never knew you were such a caring and warmhearted person when it comes to your classmates."0

The warmhearted Fu Huixing gave a faint smile, accepting this title bestowed by Shi Li, and determined to live up to this designation.

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