My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Shi Li attended the breakup party organized by Xi Jingshu.

Though it was called a breakup party, one of the divorcing parties wasn't present - only the person's sister was there.

At the party, Shi Li saw many former classmates and childhood friends, which made her feel quite comfortable.

For Shi Li, it felt more like a large class reunion.

Classmates from elementary, middle, and high school were all gathered there, though she was naturally closer to her high school peers.

Shi Li, along with Gao Yun, Fu Huixing, and Song Ying, huddled in a corner playing mahjong until 2 AM.

The atmosphere around them remained lively.

Everyone was skilled at staying up late, whether for clubbing or gaming.

But for Shi Li, who usually went to bed promptly at 11 PM, this was quite late.

While her mind was still clear, her body was tired. After yawning several times, even her fellow players, despite being completely absorbed in the mahjong game, noticed her fatigue.

Looking at the time, they realized how late it had gotten.

Although they were still in high spirits and could have played for several more hours,

They decisively stood up and suggested calling it a night.

Shi Li nodded in agreement, saying, "It really is late. Staying up too late can be deadly - better get some sleep."

These four were the first group to leave the party. While others were absorbed in their own activities, nobody noticed the movement in the corner - except Xi Jingshu, whose eyes flickered when she saw Shi Li leaving.

The hotel hosting the party was owned by Xi Jingshu's family. To ensure the princess and her friends could enjoy themselves, three floors of suites were reserved for overnight stays.

While parties typically lasted all night, some guests couldn't stay up that late. To accommodate everyone, rooms were prepared for each guest.

The other three had rooms on the same floor, while Shi Li's room was on a different level.

No one thought anything of it - random room card distribution meant anything was possible.

Even when Shi Li found someone in her bed, she initially assumed she had entered the wrong room.

A normal person's first reaction would be to think they'd entered the wrong room, and even though her key card had worked, Shi Li's first thought was still that she must have made a mistake.

After double-checking that she hadn't entered the wrong room, Shi Li left and locked the door.

She took out her phone and called Fu Huixing.

The party venue had various scents, and after staying there for a while, everyone had picked up some of these smells.

Fu Huixing's first action upon reaching his room was to rush to the shower, but before he could finish, his phone rang.

People rarely called him, so a phone call likely meant something urgent.

He quickly wrapped a towel around himself and answered the phone.

Shi Li got straight to the point, "Can you come upstairs? There's someone in my room."

Shi Li chose not to call hotel staff first, partly because that would require her to stay in the room, potentially alerting the person in bed.

Secondly, while hotel staff would take an uncertain amount of time to arrive, Fu Huixing could be there in two minutes.

Moreover, compared to unfamiliar hotel staff, Shi Li trusted Fu Huixing more.

Upon hearing this, Fu Huixing didn't waste words. Barely covering himself with a towel, he headed out, saying, "I'll be right there. Keep yourself safe, and stay on the line."

Finding a stranger in her room had made Shi Li slightly nervous earlier, momentarily reminded of some kidnapping plots from the original story.

But hearing Fu Huixing's tense voice saying he'd be right there, Shi Li actually found herself telling him not to rush.

She could hear rapid breathing through the phone, guessing he was taking the emergency stairs instead of the elevator.

Fu Huixing arrived quickly - before Shi Li could finish saying "don't rush" a second time, he appeared before her.

Shi Li was leaning against the hotel wall when Fu Huixing appeared before her in a white bathrobe. Due to his hurried climb up the stairs, his robe was disheveled, revealing a significant expanse of his chest muscles.

Shi Li didn't know where to look.

She smiled, "If I'd known you were showering, I wouldn't have bothered you."

"It's no bother, just a small favor."

[I'm embarrassed]

[I'm pretending]

Fu Huixing wouldn't directly confront the stranger in Shi Li's room. Instead, he called the front desk to send security to handle the situation, while he waited with Shi Li outside the room.

The hotel staff weren't particularly quick to arrive - Shi Li and Fu Huixing had time to play a complete game before the staff finally showed up with Xi Jingshu.

As the event organizer and hotel owner's daughter, Xi Jingshu's presence made sense.

Everything seemed normal as Xi Jingshu scolded the security about how such a situation could occur, and as she held Shi Li's hand to comfort her.

That is, until the security guard boldly entered and pulled back the covers, revealing that the person inside was Feng Yunhe.

Everything suddenly became more dramatic.

Finding Feng Yunhe there was even more shocking than finding a stranger.

Up close, one could smell alcohol - he must have drunk quite a bit.

The room was now crowded with people, and though Feng Yunhe was drunk, he wasn't completely unconscious and was awakened by the noise.

He rubbed his hungover head, and nearly jumped out of his skin when he opened his eyes to see the crowd of faces.

"What are you all doing in my room?"

Finding Feng Yunhe was like opening a mystery box - Shi Li was shocked too.

Shi Li wondered if this was even part of the plot, [Surely I didn't do this?]

[Is this some 'wrong room leads to right marriage' plot?]

[I ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​‍don't remember this - did I do this during a memory blackout?]

[No, that's not right - I don't sleepwalk or have memory losses, this has nothing to do with me]

However, given the many inexplicable events that had happened recently, Shi Li thought, [Could this be related to those timeline disruptions, like when Feng Yunhe was mysteriously hit by hail?]Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Xi Jingshu, who had appeared slightly guilty, suddenly became extremely resolute - yes, that must be the reason.

Shi Li had been confused by the chaotic timeline recently, which led her to think this way.

But others' thought processes were quite different from Shi Li's.

Xi Jingshu felt a sharp gaze drilling into her back. In this room, there was only one person who could be giving such a look - it was obvious who it was.

Cold sweat ran down her back. Although Xi Jingshu had always been somewhat of a troublemaker, she had been afraid of Fu Huixing ever since witnessing him fight with some thugs outside school.

Xi Jingshu felt guilty, but the guiltier she felt, the more righteously she behaved.

"How did this happen?"

"Did I accidentally give out the wrong key card?"

Xi Jingshu hit her forehead, "How could I be so stupid?"

The front desk staff spoke up, "No, I just checked - when we were giving you the key cards, we accidentally included this room's spare card. You probably didn't notice, which led to this mix-up. It's entirely the hotel's fault."

The front desk staff apologized profusely and asked for forgiveness.

Xi Jingshu also apologized to both affected parties, Shi Li and Feng Yunhe. Shi Li simply assumed it was due to plot mechanics, while Feng Yunhe's alcohol-addled brain was too slow to think much about it.

Only Fu Huixing, with his clear head, remained silent for the moment.

Fu Huixing escorted Shi Li to her newly arranged room, inspected it thoroughly to ensure there were no hidden people or cameras, and confirmed everything multiple times with Shi Li before leaving.

Even after everything was settled, Xi Jingshu's heart was still racing. Fu Huixing's icy glare before leaving had frightened her.

Would he come after her about this?

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