Chapter 657 The Agreement
Chapter 657 The Agreement
Why did it become like this?
The trio's eyes danced maniacally when assessing the situation.
How can they all be so strong? The aura Lucifer, Asmodeus, Belphegor, and Beelzebub exuded, showed that each of them can destroy all 3 princes on a whim. Yet, they kept them alive all this while, like toys to entertain them. Son of a b**ch! Was their existence just one big sick home to them? Luckily, they now had a way out, or they wouldn't be able to sleep well at night even if their 'uncles' let them go. According to their agreement, no one, including the three of them, must attack each other's side.
The 4 ancient princes can't attack or wage war on them or their people, and they in turn can't attack the 4 princes and their camps too. The trio knew that after 900,000 years, another full blown war might possibly erupt. Only this time, these 4 ancient princes won't go easy on them anymore. They clenched their fists, knowing that they only had 900,000 years to improve their current strengths and go face to face with their uncles. "They're obviously planning something big in one of the human worlds…" "Yeah… And from what I sense, if everything goes well, they might grow 50 times stronger than they already are. So what do we do?" Mammon was silent when listening to the duo. What else can they do? Dammit! "Tell all forces to fall back! We must prepare for the Crusade in 900,000 years." But more importantly, they must ensure these 4 ancients, FAIL in whatever and they have going on. He did tell them some prices of the puzzle, but who said anything about telling them the whole story? Beelzebub had an ability that could decipher if Underworld beings were lying. Not many knew of Beelzebub's ability, but Mammon did. So of course, he didn't lie… big just chose to not tell everything. That can't be considered as a lie, right?
… Looking at the fleeting backs of Mammon and his group, the 4 ancient princes smirked meaningfully. They were still seated, waiting for the intruders to completely leave their territories. "How cute." Asmodeus began. "They think they can buy themselves enough time to catch up to our level." "It's fine." Lucifer added. "They'll continue to be our gardeners, watching over the land until we decide to take it." So what's there to think too deeply about? What these little babies forget is that while they're struggling to catch up… they, the 4 princes will also keep growing stronger than ever. So was there truly a thing like 'catching up?' After 900,000 years, the results will remain the same. They, the ancient princes, will still stand tall against these little babies. The only reason why the other 3 ancient rulers, Hades and the others died, was because they lowered their guard down against their many offsprings. Tsk. Beelzebub, Lucifer, Asmodeus, and Belphegor, also had offspring of their own. But do you see them lowering their guards for their children? Don't even think about it! They will never allow such emotions to override and cloud their sense of reasoning and caution. History has repeatedly shown that doing so will lead to getting stabbed in the back. So why bother? In fact, they've killed several of their offspring with their own hands whenever these children dared to secretly stage uprisings against them. The group of ancients slowly rose to their feet when sensing the complete disappearance of the 3 baby princes. Good… they were out of their territories. "So… the Bony Finger is with the Trickster?" Beelzebub nodded, "From the riddles, it must be with him. However… I'm sensing there's no point in going to look for him yet." "Indeed. Knowing that bastard, he'll probably show up mid-battle with it." So what's the point rushing out to chase after the wind again? Haven't they already been doing that for the past 2 years? Beelzebub's fingernails extended wickedly, as he drummed them chaotically on the hardened table of insects. Blood from the insects oozed wherever his nails touched, his anger couldn't be contained. "I'll kill him…" He, Beelzebub, will personally kill that bloody son of bitch before the day he perishes. "Well, let's not focus on that lunatic." Lucifer advised. The good thing is that he managed to return 3 days before the battle began, no? It might be a little late compared to their earlier plans of returning 2 weeks prior to the battle day. "They're aligning beautifully, aren't they?" "Indeed… the planets will soon align in perfection. By that time, 'She' will weaken, and we'll have just a few minutes to unleash our dear comrades." All 4 chuckled, while staring in a single direction. Soon, the Abyss in all her Majesty, will weaken, and that will be their chance. They must not miss it. The journey down there when the Abyss is in her normal state, is quite long and deadly, near impossible for anyone other than themselves to venture into.
But once she is weakened, the journey up will take more than an hour for them. This was also why they didn't have time to keep chasing the Truckers up and about. There were more important things to do, now that they returned very late. Soon, the group vanished, spreading out in various directions. Their top commanders, generals, battalion leaders and high ranked creatures, were all waiting for them with sly confident smiles on their lips. "Master, as per your command, we kept the battle going strong." "The portals were all kept shut. And while in your absence, the 3 Princes didn't discover the existence of our future Planet." Hmmm… Beelzebub hummed in approval. Despite how easily he made it look to trample on those 3 Princes, they were equally strong in their own rights. Home sweet home…
Can he say he missed it? Beelzebub licked his lips, a fiery flood of feelings now overwhelming him. Hey… it felt good to be back. But now, time for business!Nôv(el)B\\jnn